
About the Author

Good morning/afternoon/evening/midnight! My name is Reagan, and I’m thirteen years old. I live in a very small, rural town in the south with a population of about 900. I live with my two parents and my sixteen (soon to be seventeen) year old brother Will. We have two absurd dogs named Caesar and Brutus (a boxer and miniature pincher, respectively.) I’d much rather have a cat or something, but apparently no one agrees…

So, recentlty, I’ve finished up editing a book I wrote starting last year about this time. And, much to my delight, it won over with everyone who read it. But, much to my chagrin, publishing it is a whole other issue in itself! By now, I’ve probably sent at least a dozen query letters to literary agents, but all have either had no response, or have been complete and utter rejections. This blog will follow my pursuit for publishing, and all the little misshaps inbetween! 

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